Friday, April 11, 2008

COMMUNITY BOARD 6's Vote On Liquor License For oyster bar at Hoyt and Union

Now I know that the Community Board represents the interests of both residents and businesses within the district. I am also fully aware of the fact that their role is purely advisory. But when it comes to voting on recommending the issuance of liquor licenses and outdoor seating for eating and drinking establishments, our board seems to approve all without considering the impact it will have on the immediate neighbors.
The residents of Hoyt and Bond have fought a valiant fight to keep a second bar from opening on a stretch of Hoyt street that is zoned exclusively residential. However, the community board chose to go against the neighbors by voting for the recommendation, thereby, in my opinion setting a very, very dangerous precedent.
As far as I am concerned, C.B.6 just signaled to all restaurateurs that this district is a free for all and that residential streets are as good as any to open bars.
Below is an account of what happened at the C.B.6 meeting.

It was devastating, Katia. 18-6 in favor of the bar, and one abstention. We were absolutely stunned. One board member, in a speech bordering on the histrionic, called us liars and questioned our characters. He said we had treated the chairman of the Land Use Committee despicably by writing a letter complaining about our treatment in the first Land Use Committee. Although 6 members voted for us, only one, Lou Sones, a bar owner, spoke strongly in our favor. The whole thing left us speechless. They never considered the residential character of our block, they never concerned themselves with the 300 petition signatures we’d gathered or the statements from the block associations - they were only concerned that there were no impediments to Jim Mamary’s right to open a bar. Having crossed their Ts and dotted their i’s their job was to support him. They should be called Business Board 6. They are absolutely useless to the community.

In talking to neighborhood friends and neighbors it is clear that we are all pretty disgusted with our local board. Shame on them.

Related Reading:

Interesting Viewpoint On The Subject Of C.B.6 And Liquor Licenses

Zoning Unimportant In Carroll Gardens!

Neighbors Need Help Fighting Hoyt Street Bar

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