Friday, January 13, 2012

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Brian Cantrell and Jim Crews, two of CharitySub's co-founders
We all like to donate to a good cause, but figuring out which organization is most deserving, how much money to give and if it will be put to good use can be a bit daunting. 
But charitable giving shouldn't be so hard.
CharitySub, a new Brooklyn online social enterprise founded by Carroll Gardeners Jim Crews, his wife Amy Crews and their friends Brian Cantrell and Alexis Winslow of Cobble Hill, aims to make charitable giving so effortless and affordable that anyone can participate.  The four co-founders launched their organization on January 1st at Farmacy on Henry Street.
Think of CharitySub as a subscription for giving that allows you to collectively impact causes in need.  The cost is a mere $5 a month. Here is how it works:
Each month, CharitySub will chose a cause. (The January launch cause is Childhood Obesity, followed by Hunger in February.)  The organization carefully handpicks three non-profits that are making a difference within the featured cause. 
CharitySub will create informative videos on the monthly issue as well as on the three chosen charities and will post them on its web site.
Subscribers choose which of the three charities will receive their $5 donation.  Shortly afterwards, members find out what impact their donation has made.
Couldn't be simpler right?  
You may also be interested to know that 100% of donations will be presented to the charity selected (minus credit card processing fees.)  In choosing the non-profits, CharitySub adheres to a set of criteria that include fiscal transparency and sustainability. 
CharitySub welcomes suggestions for future causes from their subscribers.
And rest assured: CharitySub will never give out subscribers' name or contact information.
So, no more excuses.  Sign up today by clicking here.  I already did. Lets do this together. You won't find an easier entry into philanthropy.


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