Thursday, January 5, 2012

Photos by Chaw Chang of Stick and Stone Farm
Photos by Chaw Chang of Stick and Stone Farm
Thanks to Chaw Chang of Stick and Stone Farm for the use of his photos.

Great news. If one of your new year's resolutions is to eat healthier, a good place to start may be to join the new Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) coming to Gowanus this month. The Full Plate Farm Collective, which is comprised of the Stick And Stone Farm, Remembrance Farm and a network of other growers from the Ithaca, New York area, will be delivering pre-packed 1/2 bushel boxes of winter vegetables to the Big! NYC Warehouse at 69 9th Street. Become a member and you will be able to pick up your share every other week (Jan 12, 26, Feb 9, 23, March 8) anytime during store hours between Thursday afternoons and Sunday evenings.
The cost for the five boxes is boxes is $160. A typical share "will consist of the following certified organic vegetables from our farms near Ithaca, NY: 2 lbs potatoes, 2 lbs carrots, 2lbs onions, 2 lbs other root vegetables, 2 bunches of cooking greens, 2-3 items such as brussels sprouts, winter squash, cabbage, kohlrabi, napa cabbage, and one farmer's treat such as salad mix, baby spinach, pickled vegetables, apples, and frozen green beans."
For further information on the Gowanus Winter CSA and to sign up, click here


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