Oh dear! Did I truly suggest back in October that everyone in my family should come to Carroll Gardens for Christmas? You see, I had forgotten how much organization goes into getting the house ready for company during the holidays.
Don't get me wrong. I am truly happy to welcome them all and am looking forward to our days together, to catching up and to sharing good wine and conversation. I have, however, spent countless days cleaning, decorating and bringing sufficient quantities of food into the house. And I am a wee bit tired.
I am almost done. The house is sparkly clean, the tree is up and the beds are made.
I do hope dear Reader, that you won't mind if Pardon Me For Asking takes a tiny little break from posting this week. I promise, I will be back by the 29th of December, as soon as the house is empty again.
I would love to hear from you, though. So tell me what your holidays will be like. Are you staying in town? Celebrating with family? Drop me a line and enjoy your holidays.For Home Page, click
Pardon Me For Asking