Anonymous has left the following comment on the post "Dear Bill De Blasio: A Reader Strongly Protests":
Here is the text of my email to Bill DeBlasio. My text is a bit more colorful than the one you proposed.
To Councilman De BlasioI have voted for you. I have supported you. You are supposed to represent the best interests of your constituents.
After what we have been through over the past several years...Oliver House, Scarano Designs, blighting our quaint neighborhood.
We thought you were on our side. Now this??!!
It is inexcusable to change 150 year old laws and ruin the character of one of the prettiest blocks in Carroll Gardens. And to do it in the waning days of your tenure....when the implications of your actions on your chances for reelection for city council are irrelevant?
What are YOU getting out of this????
Clearly, this blight is not in the best interests of the community. You are putting the desires (NOT NEEDS) of a a small private school over those of an entire neighborhood.
We have welcomed the school, despite the fact the the circumstances around the HOW exactly the school acquired the former District 15 offices was not exactly transparent.
Was the extension onto 1st Place part of a master plan....not to be revealed until your final days in office?
Should you introduce this law into the city council...we will fight the construction of this atrocity. We will not go quietly along.
We will not forget. We will make sure that for every office you seek, the city is reminded how you screwed your constituents on the last days in office as our City Councilman.
Lets see who wants to vote for a "Public Advocate" with that reputation. Maybe you should run for the newly created office of "Special Interest Advocate".
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