Another great event at Proteus Gowanus, the interdisciplinary gallery and reading room housed in an 1900 box factory in the thriving artist community of the Gowanus Canal. If you have not visited yet, you should not wait any longer. Read on:
Please join us this Thursday July 8th at 8pmfor an evening of poetry, performance and nautical cocktailswith our Transport Phase III curator, Underwater NYincluding:Poetry by Alex DimitrovA 150-year-old mystery from Barren Island, read by actor Mark Emerson SmithA selection of underwater texts culled from the Reanimation Library, a small, independent collection of books at Proteus Gowanus that have fallen out of mainstream circulationArtist BiosAlex Dimitrov is the recipient of a Hopwood Award from the University of Michigan, where he received his BA in English and Film Studies. He holds an MFA in poetry from Sarah Lawrence College. His poems have appeared in the YALE REVIEW, BEST NEW POETS 2009, SOUTHWEST REVIEW, PAINTED BRIDE QUARTERLY, and CRAB ORCHARD REVIEW. He frequently writes for POETS & WRITERS magazine, and is the founder of WILDE BOYS, a queer poetry salon in New York City. Alex is the Awards Coordinator and Executive Assistant of the Academy of American Poets. Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, he lives and writes in Manhattan.Mark Emerson was most recently seen in All in the Timing at Connecticut Repertory Theatre. In New York City he has worked with such companies as New York Theatre Workshop, New Dramatists, Opening Doors Theatre Co., MTWorks, Write Club NYC, and Prospect Theater Company where he performed the one-person show Hoaxocaust! at 59e59. Regional credits include Merton in Merton of the Movies at the Dorset Theatre Festival, Noises Off at the Pioneer Theatre Company and The Wiz and Zhivago at La Jolla Playhouse (both directed by Des McAnuff) . He was Prior in the first major revival of Angels in America in London at the Lyric Hammersmith and is a graduate of the M.F.A. acting program at UCSD. He is a graduate of Northwestern University, an artistic associate with About Face Theatre and a company member of MTWorks.........By the way, if you haven't become a Proteus Gowanus facebook friend,we think you should consider doing so right now.And save the date for our closing-for-summer party and parade on Saturday, July 17.Stay tuned for details on where the parade begins.
543 Union Street

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