"Gowanus" has left the following comment on the post ""Star Of The Gowanus": An Official Superfund Clean-Up Surface Sediment Sample Now On Display At Proteus Gowanus":
Cool depiction of the sediment location as it changed over time!Also a cool juxtaposition of the sediment and their contaminant source items!
The exhibit is an eye-opener, reminding that toxic substances we use in our homes make their way into very sensitive environments, like our harbor, especially when we do things like wash them down the drain. Many of the things that have toxic aspects to them, like batteries and solvents, can be designed and used in a safe way in our homes, but once discarded into the environment can create unnecessary hazards within the ecosystem.To understand the sources of some contamination in the canal, all you have to do is watch the video posted on this blog this past fall, where sewage pipes dumped huge amounts of unknown waste and garbage debris scattered across the water. Lets hope that the DEP can start to understand the connection too and take necessary action to stop this cycle of environmental degradation.
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