Thursday, September 11, 2008

A few days ago, I caught a glimpse and snapped a few photos of the Clarett construction site at
340 Union /291 Union Street. There has been an incredible amount of digging during the last few weeks judging by the mountain of dirt that was piled up right in the middle of the site. The underpinning all along the length of Court Street has been completed.
At Monday's Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association meeting, Vince Joseph of the Union/Sackett Group informed the community that Clarett has not made themselves available to the community as they had promised at the April meeting at P.S.58. As a matter of fact, they now refuse to communicate with the Union/Sackett Group which was formed by neighbors who are directly affected by the development. The Clarett Group is not making any attempt to return to the community to present the final design of the condo building. They had previously agreed to come back with the redesign. The only information seems to be that the 'maisonettes' on Union and Sackett have been scrapped. Does that mean that the entire site will be made into one giant seven story box building?
Tom Gray of Councilman Bill DeBlasio's office stated that Clarett has not been any more forthcoming with the councilman's staff.
Vince Joseph wondered if Rogers Marvel Architects, the firm hired by Clarett to design the building, could be approached directly to share their design changes, especially since the architects will be honored at the October 16th Gowanus Canal Community Corporation's Anniversary Gala Dinner.
It is disappointing that Clarett is keeping mum on what they are going to build at 340 Court Street. It is even more disappointing that they had promised an open line of communication with the community, a promise that they obviously never meant to keep.

Related reading:

Carroll Gardens Not Exactly Loving Clarett's 340 Court Street Design


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