Friday, February 17, 2012

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In their just-published February Community Letter, NYC Police 76th Precinct included some good advise for bicyclists on how to avoid accidents and theft.
Read one:

Springtime will shortly be upon us and with it will be an increase in bicycle usage. With increased bicycle usage inevitably comes an increase in bicycle theft. In an attempt to deter theft members of the 76th Precinct always patrol with a watchful eye for individuals that are known to steal bicycles. It is often apparent to us that some individuals are in possession of bicycles that were stolen. In those instances, we closely review reports in an attempt to identify the owner. Despite our best efforts, we are often unable to determine the rightful owner. Help us reduce bicycle theft and give us a chance to get your bicycle back to you if it is stolen, by registering your bicycle with us. Stop in the 76th Precinct and ask for the Crime Prevention Officer who will register it for you. You can call the 76th Precinct Crime Prevention Office at (718) 834-3203 and schedule an appointment to have it done. We always have a Crime Prevention Table at the local street fairs and the officers there will be happy to register your bike.
Required Equipment: Between DUSK and DAWN, bicycles must have a WHITE head light and RED taillight. At all times, bike must have reflectors, working brakes, and a bell.
Children and Bikes: Children under age 14 must wear a helmet. Children 12 and under may ride a bike on the sidewalk. 

Some Hazardous Violations: Disobeying traffic signals or signs. Riding in the wrong direction against traffic and riding on the sidewalk. Cyclists may not wear more than one earphone attached to an audio device while riding.
Commercial Bicycles: Utilizing a bike for business; the company must be identified on the bike by name & identification number. The operator must wear upper-body apparel with the business’s name & operator’s number on the back. The operator shall wear a helmet provided by the business. Motor- assisted bikes are not permitted. The bike operator must carry & produce, on demand, a numbered ID card with the operator’s photo, name, home address and the business’s name, address and phone number.

Bike Security: When leaving a bike unattended in public, the bike should be securely chained to a bike rack. Do not chain a bike to a parking meter.


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