Monday, February 27, 2012

Before there was "The Artist", there was Keaton.   Big Movies For Little Kids presents an afternoon of fun with Buster Keaton Shorts

Monday, February 27th at 4pm
Ages: 2 and up (all ages welcome)
265 Court Street @ Butler Street, Brooklyn
Cost: $7.00 per person (as per theater policy, all walkers need a ticket)

Join us for a newly-restored selection of Keaton’s early short films, which showcase his genius for comedy in its purest essence: brief, energetic, recklessly creative, and loaded with laughs and breath-taking stunts. One Week and The Boat are among the selection. (1920-23; USA; not-rated; black and white; silent with intertitles; approximately 65 minutes.)

For more info, click here:

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