I am a sucker for little spunky dogs, and Mango, 'The Key Lime Pie Pooch' seems to be a real character. Unfortunately, he has gone missing and his owner wants him back. Read on.
Someone absconded with our trusty sidekick Mango on Saturday, November 22,2008 at approximately 7:00 PM from in front of Jake's BBQ and the B-61 Bar, corner of Degraw and Columbia streets. For the past few years, Mango has hung out at that corner, greeting passing dogs in his venerable fashion, entertaining those of us who have come to know him, greeting customers of Alma and B-61 (sometimes laying on the doormat inside the entrance). In his many years of untethered freedom, he has lived as good a life as a dog could. Mango does not leave that corner with the exception of walking half a block in either direction to make his mark. As much as one might beg him to follow, he would not leave his life and his routine for the past 4+ years. The price we pay now for allowing him his freedoms is that there are some who would just help themselves to whatever they would like, regardless of any thought beyoind what they want. So be it. If indeed some nefarious neverdowell did scoop him off, I am asking the good people of Brooklyn to assist in returning Mango to his rightful home and his rightful routine with our family and friends, including his 32 children, his partner Mammey and us.
If you have seen him or know where he is, call the number on the flier above or click here.
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