We Grew-up in Brooklyn has left the following comment on the post "Vandals Leave Path Of Destruction On Court Street":
"Funny" Story - About a year ago my wife & I heard then saw a drunk man continuely smash the top & hood of a car (from our Carroll Gardens bedroom window) at about 3:a/m.
We of course called the police and 3 patrol cars pulled-up. They spoke to the guy (who was obviously drunk) and were about to send him on his way - he still had the brick in his hand.
My wife called from our window, "he's the guy who was smashing that car with that brick he's holding." The response from the police officer, "Get away from the window and go back to bed!"
My wife, "But we're the ones who called you?!" Police, "Did you hear what I said, mind your business or we'll take YOU in!"
FYI - they let the guy just walk away! Our tax dollars at work!!
So, my question is, where were the police patrols during this time known as "Mischief Night"?
It starts in the wee hours on the day before Halloween and ends early in the morning of Halloween Day.
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