Anon...Yes, it's sad but true. If it never gets into the paperwork then it's NOT a crime so the neighborhood gets a lower crime stat. You made a very good point. At least in the "Funny Story" 3 patrol cars turned-up. I have a not so funny story...
Last Summer, during a light drizzly evening, a Bike Delivery Guy was hit by a van (the driver of the van and occupants stayed - From what I gathered, the bike tried to beat the van onto Carroll from Clinton by cutting off the van. The bike lost.) As it happens a Dr. or some other Medical Pro was handy and attended to the "bleeding from the head" victim until an ambulance arrived; in the rain. People stood at the corner in the street to hold plastic & umbrellas over the pair. The 1 patrol car that finally arrived must have contained officers made of sugar. I say this because they NEVER got out of the patrol car. The van driver had to walk over to them to give his story. Have I mentioned yet that the officers stayed IN the patrol car while the driver stood along side of it? It wasn't until the Ambulance Driver said, "Hey! You ever coming out to help with traffic so WE don't get hit, too?!?" did the officers grudgingly leave the patrol car. As noted... Our tax dollars at work!!!
(This time I'll sign as Anon, too.)
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