Frustrated on Luquer has left the following comment on the post "Neighborhood News: Beating Of Young Man In Carroll Gardens Investigated As Possible Hate Crime":
There is a self-styled gang who are a complete menace to this block (Luquer between Clinton & Hamilton), long known as "The Luquer Street Boys." While it's not certain that these thugs were the perpetrators of this attack, it would come as no surprise to any residents of the block that they were behind it.
These guys (and one is quite literally a BOY, no more than 15 or 16) flagrantly violate the law and disrupt the quality of life for the neighborhood, with large groups publicly drinking, smoking weed, blasting music from their cars, speeding up and down the block (literally up and down...speeding to the stop light, then throwing it in reverse, then back again), blocking foot traffic by parking their cars across the sidewalk, and leaving random car parts on the curb after they've worked on their rides.
I have personally called the 76th precinct numerous times over the years about their violation of the noise ordinance, their public partying, and their contributing to the delinquency of a minor, yet I NEVER see a squad car respond.
It's high time our community banded together to scrub the neighborhood clean of this sort of scofflaw activity and make sure that we're all safe in and around our own homes. We need to hold the 76th precinct's feet to the fire...I completely place blame for this on their shoulders for not nipping obvious, flagrant criminal activity in the bud. These thugs have almost assumed ownership of the block through fear and intimidation (not to mention the enabling of one middle aged man who lives on the block and sometimes joins their partying). It's time that we took it back.
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