Jeanette has left the following comment on the post "Hey, Neighbor! Pardon Me For Asking, But Why Were There So Many Helicopters Along Columbia Waterfront?":
There were lots of copters flying over the river on Sat and Sunday morning, a noticeably large amount. More than in previous weeks. Looked like sight-seeing trips. I watch morning tv news and they show traffic reports only on weekdays.Ten minute copter further the agenda to make this look like an amusement park for people with lots of disposable income, not what the real city is like. People should ridden the F train from mid-town to Brooklyn after working all day. That's what life is like here. Hell of a trip home tonight. Noisy, silly Manhattan. Garbled messages, several train changes, stops in stations, rumors of a fire at 15th street. Then....escape from the underground to Carroll Gardens twilight. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, beautiful.No wait, maybe people shouldn't know this, because we live in one of the circles of heaven. The new park along the river is going to be great, especially if they really are able to finish as planned. Let's hope that copter pads aren't added to the plans. Happy Spring!
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