Could mint-scented trash bags be a secret weapon in the fight against New York City's creepy rodent problem? This solution seems entirely too easy, but hey, where rats are concerned, the city needs all the help it can get.
I saw this Mint-X truck making a delivery to an office building in Downtown Office and checked their web site to find out more. Mint-X claims that their trash bags "smell great to humans and terrible to rats." They also claim that they are "100% safe effective after 7 days of continued use." Plus they are apparently EPA approved.
As everyone knows, New York City is crawling with rats. The creepy rodents are simply everywhere. And the problem seems to have gotten worse. Here in Carroll Gardens, we have not been spared. Take a walk down Smith Street or Court Street at dawn, and you will see rats dart from one side of the street to the other, from one heap of trash bags left outside by restaurants to the other. Since the Mint-X bags are meant to be used by themselves, without a trash bin, they sound ideal for New York City's eateries.
So, dear reader, what do you think? Is this an elegant solution to our dirty little rat problem or is the claim too good to be true?
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