178 Smith Street back in February 2009
After a fire in November 2009...
And Now

This little yellow house at 178 Smith Street went through an incredible transformation since a fire destroyed the building back in November 2009. Never a beauty, what with its yellow aluminum siding, it has been totally rebuilt in the last few months. In the process, it has gained just a bit of height so that it now is in line with its neighbors on the left. Thankfully, it has also lost its cladding, but gained a brick façade and a new cornice. The result is much, much better than the original structure, which was a real eyesore. Most importantly, it is more contextual.It's only a pity that the building has been "fedderized." It's also too bad that it did not get some window detail like lintels. Otherwise, I think it would have been (almost) perfect.What do you think, dear Reader?
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