New elevation drawings for Lightstone Project. Click here for enlarged view
(Via Councilman Lander's office)
New FEMA Advisory Base Flood Elevations for Gowanus
Second Street at canal during storm (photo credit: Triada Samaras)

Sandy flooding at First Street near Canal (photo credit: Carl Teitelbaum)
***Important Information For All Carroll Gardens/Gowanus Residents***
Tomorrow, Monday March 18
at 1 pm
Spector Hall, 22 Reade Street, New York, New York
There is some very important information that was circulated late last week on Lightstone Group's proposed large-scale Gowanus development at 363-365 Bond Street, between Carroll Street and 2nd Street.
According to Councilman Brad Lander's office, which informed several Gowanus residents on Thursday evening, Lightstone is proceeding with the project "as of right" and has abandoned the minor modification which they had previously requested of NYC's Department of City Planning (DCP).
According to Councilman Brad Lander's office, which informed several Gowanus residents on Thursday evening, Lightstone is proceeding with the project "as of right" and has abandoned the minor modification which they had previously requested of NYC's Department of City Planning (DCP).
The ABFEs for the Gowanus area were published very recently.
Perhaps concerned about new flood regulations in Zone A and of legal challenges, Lightstone has re-configured the proposed 700-unit development so that it can move forward according to the site's existing zoning. To address the fact that the land sits squarely in FEMA's flood zone A and to comply with new waterfront development rules, Lightstone has pulled away slightly from the water and increased the grade at First Street.
City Planning has placed the Lightstone item back on its calendar for tomorrow, Monday March 18, at 1 pm, Spector Hall, 22 Reade Street, New York, New York. (It's the 9th agenda item). The meeting is open, but no comments will be accepted from the public.
All important information can be found here:
All important information can be found here:
I urge everyone to attend. This project will most likely serve as the blueprint for the over-all rezoning for the Gowanus Canal and will create repercussions for neighboring residents. The plan to raise the entire site will most likely increase flooding in nearby properties.
Councilman Brad Lander, who has previously asked Lightstone to withdraw its application, issued the following comment on Friday: “In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, I continue to believe it is a mistake to move forward with dense, high-rise, residential development without a comprehensive plan for infrastructure and land use regulations that Gowanus needs.”
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