Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The storefront at 414 Court Street has been empty since Iron Gate Properties moved out back in November. Then, at the end of March, it got a fresh coat of bright red paint. And today, a big orange sign finally went up: Snack Shop. What kind of snacks? No indication yet. A peak through a half opened door revealed a few boxes of tea on a shelf.
Oh, and if you need a job, you may want to apply!

I miss Francis and her sons who ran a produce store here until Francis died a few years ago.
They had the best produce and were always incredibly friendly. It was a wonderful little neighborhood place. Below is an advertisement from 1966 from the St. Stephen's Church Centenary Celebration Brochure.



From 1966, an advert for Fruit Market at 414 Court Street

Related Reading:

What Happened? Iron Gate Properties Gone And Renting Out Own Newly Vacated Space

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