Thursday, April 30, 2009


The Superfund Gowanus petition is now up. I urge you to take a minute to sign it.
It reads:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency agrees the Gowanus is an "Estuary of National Significance" and is "unbelievably highly contaminated" with tar, PCBs, sewage, lead, mercury and arsenic. The EPA has the tools to lead a comprehensive and inclusive cleanup. Our community has known for generations that this is a toxic public health hazard. Spot cleanup by developers will not achieve the job necessary for a healthy environment. Our Council Member Bill de Blasio has been quoted in the media saying the city has no plan to clean the Gowanus. It is absolutely crucial that you take the time to make your voice heard.

Join your neighbors and these supporters of a comprehensive EPA Superfund cleanup:

  • United States Environmental Protection Agency
  • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
  • The Army Corps of Engineers
  • Riverkeeper
  • The Sierra Club
  • Columbia University’s Urban Design Lab
  • Friends of Greater Gowanus (FROGG)
  • Carroll Gardens Coalition for Respectful Development (CG CORD)
  • Friends of Bond
  • Park Slope Neighbors

Join Them!

The new Superfund Gowanus web site is also up.

Go check it out at

And Get Your T-Shirt here

For Home Page, click Pardon Me For Asking

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