Sunday, April 26, 2009

The "Dazzle Me" after-party

House Of Pizza's Grandma pie

It was a true privilege to be working on the 39th Council District's "Dazzle Me" Forum with some of my very favorite people in the neighborhood. Each and every one of them is an incredibly intelligent, extremely well spoken and inspiring individual.
The forum could not have turned out better. The audience consisted of both young and old residents, old -timers as well as new residents, and candidates who seemed to enjoy the challenge of thoughtfully selected questions.

I think we were all pleased by how the event turned out.
Afterward, we all went to House Of Pizza on Union Street for an after-party.

So my thanks go out to Rita Miller, Vince Joseph, Lucy deCarlo, my husband Glenn Kelly, Elisabeth Lind, Maryann Young, Mary Hedge, June and Stephen Negrycz, Triada Samaras, Jaqueline Raque and Jerry Miller for all their hard work.
I truly enjoyed being part of this "production."

PS: I may have to agree with Vince that the best pizza in the neighborhood is House Of Pizza's Grandma pie. To die for!

Related reading:
39th Council District Candidates Submit To Tough Questioning At 'Dazzle Me' Forum

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