Today is Saint Patrick's Day. Here in New York City, its a huge deal. After all, this town has a huge Irish population. Or rather Irish/American population. Today, everyone in the city is Irish, a lame excuse to go out drinking in an Irish pub.
I am Irish too. After all I have a very Irish last name. People confuse my German accent with an Irish one. Especially if I tell them my name. An old lady once squealed: ' Oh, you sound as though you just got off the boat, deary."
That's right. A Kelly living in Brooklyn speaking with an accent has to have come from Dublin. I don't bother to correct. Everyone loves the Irish, so its easy to let the misunderstanding go.
I met my Irish-American husband on Saint Patrick's day. He was dressed from head to toe in green. If his sense of style did not wow me, a fashion designer by trade, it was his wicked humor that first caught my attention. And his way with words. He loves talking almost as much as I do and I don't think I imagine it, he has a twinkle in his eye.
Now, 23 years later, his green shamrock adorned clothing items are gone from his closet, replaced with a beautiful hand-knit wool Irish cable sweater which he puts on every St. Patty's day. It makes him look truly Irish. I have also gotten used to the green food coloring he insists on putting in his eggs to celebrate the holiday, the cabbage and corn beef and the potatoes. After all, the Irish and the Germans have lots in common. As my brother-in law used to say, its the common love for the potato that unites the two. Could be. But whatever it is, it works!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to You!
Some Fun Irish sayings Just for the Fun Of It!
-You'll never plough a field by turning it over in your mind.
-Marriages are all happy. It's having breakfast together that causes all the trouble.
-May you die in bed at 95, shot by a jealous wife!
-An old broom knows the dirty corners best
-Need teaches a plan
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