Have you ever googled yourself? But wait! Who am I kidding. Of course you have. Doesn't everyone?
Anyway, whenever I googled Katia Kelly in the past, a site about a young Brazilian with the same name would pop up. That was disturbing enough. Then there was a second one that always made me cringe : " Euro Sex Parties Brings You Katia". I imagined old friends clicking on that page and saying to themselves; ' Damn, she was not that hot looking in High School, but look at her now." Or, even more dreadful: " I knew she would not amount to much."
So imagine my surprise when my father called me one morning last week. He phones me once if not twice most mornings, either on his way to the golf course or right after his girlfriend leaves for work. On this particular day, he sounded pretty excited.
"Do you know what you get when you google your name?" he blurted out.
" Which name, yours or mine," I asked
" No, I mean when you google Katia Kelly'
I was a bit startled at first. Why was my father googling my name. But I answered: "Yes, some porn star on the first page and on the second page a few articles about rats invading our Brooklyn Park for which I was interviewed by the German press," I answered him.
-"No, no." Excitement mounted in his voice. " I just googled your name and the first thing that pops up is: Pardon Me For Asking, the musings of an expatriate," he read in his thick German accent.
Well, I was dumbfounded. I put the phone down and grabbed my laptop. With trembling fingers, I typed in K-A-T-I-A K-E-L-L-Y. And hot damn, here it was. In all its splendor. The link to my blog. Overnight, I had made the transformation from sex star to blogger on Google. I am not denying that it felt good. Damn good.
What can I say. We bloggers are all about getting attention. Why else would we put ourselves out there?
So go ahead. Google my name. You'll see. And while you are at it, why not google your own name and see what comes up.
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