Americans love their country. As they should, of course. What still surprises me after decades of living here is with which conviction they will tell you that it the "greatest country in the world." Pretty darn great, but THE greatest? I bet other countries beg to differ.
Generally, I myself am very careful about making such declarations about any country. My native country, Germany, used such self-agrandizing expressions way back, and look how that worked out for the Germans. Almost instinctively, being German makes me cringe every time someone praises their country a wee bit too much and with too much fervor.
Therefore, when I hear Americans talk about the 'best country" in the world, I want to respond that other countries aren't so bad either. Take France for instance. They have human rights, freedom of the press, high literacy rates, great healthcare, the best food AND four weeks of vacation time during the summer.
Then there is the "God bless America" statement used ad nauseam by politicians and by events organizers everywhere. Does this mean that God blesses only America, or countries such as Iraq or Afghanistan, too? How about Iran? Doesn't God bless other countries equally to America? Or is America special in God's eyes too?
One has to be careful as a foreigner in the U.S. Many attempt to engage in a discussion about what makes other countries equal to the United States end up with the inevitable: " So why don't you just go back to your country?"
But that is not really the point here, is it?
Its really wonderful and touching how patriotic Americans are. And I don't mean to be a rude legal alien. I am merely pointing out that the wording of their praise may be too superlative. Surely other countries are blessed as well. And if there is a God, surely, he loves all his little countries equally, no?
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