Hi to all my peeps!
I am at Surfside Beach again with husband and son. My father came for a few days to be with us. The weather is great, the ocean is gently crashing on the shore and we are relaxing in the first time in weeks. I had forgotten what it feels like to start the day without any plans...it's pretty neat. I could get used to this.
What I could also get used to is the fact that we have our own personal chef here. I like to cook. But since my father is here also, I am not allowed into the kitchen. Since he became a widower, it seems that he has made cooking his "raison d'ĂȘtre."
He cooks non-stop. He has created a few signature dishes such as his Paté, Coq Au Vin and "Chicadina?" Goulasch. Then there are his apple tarts. They are very tasty. Just don't ask him how much butter he uses for the crust. As a matter of fact, don't ask him how much oil or butter he uses in any of his dishes. To him, that is not important information. I guess if you are almost 75 and are still going strong, you are not going to start counting saturated fat. Especially if you chase the grease down with red wine.
So anyway, last night's mashed potatoes had a healthy " schuss" of heavy cream. But they tasted good, very good. And rich...
I don't know what is on the menu tonight, but with him taking over kitchen-duty, this is starting to feel like an all-inclusive resort.
The picture below is of my father. According to him, he is not only the best cook, he is also the best looking one. What can I say, he always had a healthy ego.
You can judge for yourself. Below is a picture of him holding a photo of his way-younger self.

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