Today, France is voting for a new President. I have tried to follow the event. Fankly, it seems a daunting task, especially since we are already in full campaign mode here in the States, though of course Americans will only vote in November 2008.
I came across this test on The Economist to gage my knowledge of the French candidates. May I say, I am ashamed I did not do so well. But I was able to answer a few of the questions.
I wonder who will win. I predict Royal. But then again, don't listen to me. I am always wrong. After all, I predicted that Gore and Kerry would win too.
French election quiz
From The Economist link :http://www.economist.com/diversions/quiz.cfm?quizname=frenchelectionquiz
Just show me the answers now »
1)The 2007 presidential election marks the end of Jacques Chirac's long political career. Mr Chirac first served as France's prime minister almost:
15 years ago
33 years ago
41 years ago
24 years ago
2)France's stalling economy is one reason why voters will be heading to the polls in a collective funk. Over the past 25 years, in terms of GDP per person, France has slipped from seventh place in the world to:
3)Nicolas Sarkozy, the presidential candidate of the centre-right UMP, was a protégé of Mr Chirac. In 1995 Mr Chirac booted Mr Sarkozy from his cabinet because:
Mr Sarkozy had an extramarital affair with another cabinet member
Mr Sarkozy backed a rival to Mr Chirac in the 1995 presidential election
Mr Chirac disapproved of Mr Sarkozy's appearance in an advertisement for EuroDisney
Mr Sarkozy was found to have embezzled public funds
4)The Socialist Party's hopes are pinned on Ségolène Royal, president of the rural region of Poitou-Charentes. As part of her "presidential pact", Ms Royal has promised to:
Introduce interest-free loans worth €10,000 for every 18-year-old
Cut France's "unsustainable" public debt, which stands at 65% of GDP
Double the minimum wage to €4,000 a month
Lower the state pension age to 55
5)The presidential race's "third man" is François Bayrou, a perennial also-ran who wants to unite left and right. When not politicking, Mr Bayrou writes history books and raises:
Horses in the Pyrenees
Chickens in Gascony
Money for an agricultural charity in Provence
Cattle in Limousin
6)According to Ifop, a pollster, 59% of Mr Sarkozy's backers and 53% of Ms Royal's say they are sure of their choice. What percentage of Jean-Marie Le Pen's backers say they are definitely behind the candidate of the far-right National Front?
7)Ms Royal says she would send young criminal offenders from the banlieues:
To study at university
For military training to learn discipline
To specially designed prisons
To work on French farms
8)Which country has Mr Sarkozy called "the greatest democracy in the world"?
9)To which mythological figure have the French media compared Ms Royal?
A mermaid
A siren
A fury
Mr Sarkozy has published a book combining a diagnosis of the French with a personal pitch to be understood as the man to put things right. What is its title?
"Le Jour de Gloire Est Arrivé" ("The Day of Glory Has Come")
"France, Mon Amour" ("France, My Love")
"Témoignage" ("Testimony")
"La Maladie Française" ("The French Sickness")
The 2007 presidential election marks the end of Jacques Chirac's long political career. Mr Chirac first served as France's prime minister almost:
33 years ago
France's stalling economy is one reason why voters will be heading to the polls in a collective funk. Over the past 25 years, in terms of GDP per person, France has slipped from seventh place in the world to:
Nicolas Sarkozy, the presidential candidate of the centre-right UMP, was a protégé of Mr Chirac. In 1995 Mr Chirac booted Mr Sarkozy from his cabinet because:
Mr Sarkozy backed a rival to Mr Chirac in the 1995 presidential election
The Socialist Party's hopes are pinned on Ségolène Royal, president of the rural region of Poitou-Charentes. As part of her "presidential pact", Ms Royal has promised to:
Introduce interest-free loans worth €10,000 for every 18-year-old
The presidential race's "third man" is François Bayrou, a perennial also-ran who wants to unite left and right. When not politicking, Mr Bayrou writes history books and raises:
Horses in the Pyrenees
According to Ifop, a pollster, 59% of Mr Sarkozy's backers and 53% of Ms Royal's say they are sure of their choice. What percentage of Jean-Marie Le Pen's backers say they are definitely behind the candidate of the far-right National Front?
Ms Royal says she would send young criminal offenders from the banlieues:
For military training to learn discipline
Which country has Mr Sarkozy called "the greatest democracy in the world"?
To which mythological figure have the French media compared Ms Royal?
A siren
Mr Sarkozy has published a book combining a diagnosis of the French with a personal pitch to be understood as the man to put things right. What is its title?
"Témoignage" ("Testimony")
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