I am still in the South and Easter is a big deal in the Bible Belt. They go all out here with Easter bonnets, Easter dresses and of course church. Lots of it.
My little family is not answering to a higher authority. We will continue relaxing by the beach, enjoying the ocean, the sand and the sun. That's my religion. Tomorrow, husband will go off to the Masters in Augusta with my father, son will hopefully put a day's work into his report on Batista and Castro and I will putter around the house and take my daily walk on the beach.
A religious bunch we are not. But I am thankful for the days off as well as the excuse to eat chocolate, especially those little Cadbury Easter chocolate eggs with the speckled sugary hard shell. I love those.
But to all of our friends who celebrate religious holidays during this time of year: Happy Easter and Happy Passover to you.
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