Now I don't know about you, but some medical studies seem just plain wasteful. The latest comes from Argentina and was just published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. I would hope that real men don't need Viagra to deal with a little bit of jetlag...Read on
Viagra 'could help jetlag'
Viagra could be used to help people flying eastwards recover from jetlag, according to new research.
A team of Argentine scientists found the drug helped hamsters recover up to 50% faster from forward shifts in their daily time cycles.
However, the drug only worked in conjunction with light therapy, and only in one time direction - the equivalent to flying eastbound.
The study features in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The researchers from the National University of Quilmes shifted the light-dark cycle of hamsters six hours forwards, by switching on lights six hours earlier than usual.
Injection of Viagra before the time shift meant the hamsters adjusted to the new time cycle faster, even when low doses of the drug, which did not cause penile erections, were used.
Professor Robert Lucas said the new research raised the possibility of using Viagra in conjunction with this light treatment.
But he added: "We will have to wait for more research to know whether this will work in humans."
Pfizer, the makers of Viagra, said the drug should only be used in accordance with the approved labelling.
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