What happens here in Brooklyn when a Community Board opposes big development? Well, the borough Prez and Council members who want to give away our land to developers such as in the Atlanic Yards case just kick off the offending board members who voted against the project. Nice!
Community Board 6 is my community board and the members listened to the people they represent and voted against supporting Ratner's mega development. Now they have been punished for doing so by Marty Markowitz, David Yassky and Bill DeBlasio by simply not beeing reappointed. I can only imagine what yes-men have been put in their place.
Shame on those three politicians. I knew from the beginning that Bill DeBlasio was an unsavory character. He was supposedly watching out for our children's education while on District 15th school board. Meanwhile it became clear that he was way too busy running Hillary Clinton's first senate campaign and refused to see the signs that our School Superintendant was squandering education dollars. ( Does the name Frank deStefano ring a bell?)
As for Markowitz, he has developed such an ego that it stands in the way of him making good decisions for our borough.
And Yassky, all I can say is, shame on you. I thought you were better than those two egomaniacs.
From The New York Observer
The Brownstone 9: Markowitz Purges Community Board 6
by Matthew SchuermanPublished: May 22, 2007
Nine members of Brooklyn’s Community Board 6 have not been reappointed to another two-year term after the board took several votes opposing the Atlantic Yards project.
“I’m rather disappointed. I think that it could have been handled better and I think that I will continue to work for my community and the greater good of the community through the Community Board,” said one of the deposed members, Jerry Armer, who had served on the board for more than 20 years and was chairman at the time the votes were taken. “What we were doing was giving the community a voice and reflecting the community.”
Community boards are made up of 50 people, half of whom are appointed each year, so the blood-letting was not as great as some had expected or feared. The borough president—in this case, Marty Markowitz, a big fan of Atlantic Yards—makes the appointments, although half of them are recommended by local City Council members in the district. Community Board 6 encompasses most of Brownstone Brooklyn.
A spokeswoman for Mr. Markowitz would not explain the appointments, or lack thereof, so it was a little hard to ascertain just what was the motivation, or even if all the displaced members had voted against Atlantic Yards. She said that a statement would be coming out shortly. But last week, Councilman Bill de Blasio defended his right not to recommend members who voted against Atlantic Yards, saying that it was a vote against affordable housing, which is one of his core beliefs.
One of Mr. de Blasio’s members, Madelaine Murphy, was not reappointed, according to a list obtained from the district office, which received it today. Nor were three other members who had been recommended by Councilman David Yassky, another supporter of the project: Pauline Blake, Al Cabbad and Theresa Ricks. Mr. Markowitz failed to reappoint Mr. Armer and four others whom he had both recommended and appointed previously: Angela Beni, Bill Blum, Barbara Longobardi and Marilyn Oliva.
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