I was once quoted in the press as saying : "Bill DeBlasio feels your pain, but then does not do anything about it."
I still stand by that statement. The rezoning of Carroll Gardens is a prime example. In a recent post, I explained that
Bill De Blablah , our Councilman, talks about helping the community to downzone without actually doing so . Below is an article on the latest efford of the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood's Association's efford to move the process forward, despite De Blasio's foot dragging.
It is pretty personal for me since my husband Glenn has been part of the process and I feel his frustration with our elected officials.
It's no surprise, that Glenn's questioning of the rampant development in our neighborhood has flagged him as anti-development and probably resulted in him not getting appointed to Community Board 6, though he had applied.
Read this week's coverage on the issue:
No ‘end zone’ yet - CGNA brings rezoning request to the city
By Joe Maniscalco 05/26/2007
Click here:
The Courier: Rezoning Carroll Gardens
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