Zoning and Franchises Subcommittee Chair Tony Avella

Dear Zoning and Franchises Subcommittee Members,
We were there.
Where were you?
You should be ashamed!
Close to twenty Gowanus and Carroll Gardens community members showed up to testify at the Zoning and Franchises Sub-Committee's public hearing on the Toll Brothers' Gowanus project. Only Chair Tony Avella was present. The other committee members were missing or had sent their assistants. Since there was no quorum, a vote on the matter was delayed. Which is just as well, I say.
Also present was our own Councilman Bill DeBlasio who was on hand to re-iterate his position in favor of the development. Explaining that he had at first been dubious about the project, he changed his mind because "the project is one I felt comfortable with because its commitment to affordable housing was real."
He stated that he will "suggest that my colleagues support this project."
Dismissing the community's calls for a height limit of 8 stories as opposed to the 12 stories proposed by Toll, De Blasio felt that " there is going to be a certain amount of height to make it feasible. That is just the reality we are living with."
However, during the public comment session, Carroll Gardeners voiced their frustration with the process, with the lack of community involvement and with
the sense that the politicians seem to listen more to developers than to their constituents.
Councilman DeBlasio took offense at the suggestion. Raising his voice, DeBlasio
rebuked the allegation that politicians are serving developers. "You are being heard," he said, "but we disagree." Affordable housing was important to him, he said. So was diversity. "I cannot accept a neighborhood that is only one kind of people."
Chairman Avella had a different opinion and sided with community members. He said: " I do think real estate interests control the agenda."
Bill DeBlasio seemed to have missed the point. No one was testifying against affordable housing. On the contrary, the community wanted guarantees that Toll Brothers would not end up building their luxury condo complex without the affordable component.
Craig Hammerman, Community Board 6 manager, conveyed the concern of CB6
that the project lacked any guarantee for affordable housing in return for giving the applicant permission to build higher and with more bulk than would otherwise be acceptable to this community. The board had understood that there would be a deed restriction on the property for the affordable housing requirement.
However, no such resrtiction exists and no guarantees are given.
Architect John Hatheway gave a presentation of an alternative to the Toll project.
In his opinion, "it is shortsighted to approve this project just because it contains public housing." According to him, the development "can be designed in such a way that the affordable housing can be achieved at a lower height without loss to Toll's project."
Councilman DeBlasio turned directly to Toll Brothers' VP David Von Speckelsen, to clarify the commitment and relieve the concerns over the affordable housing.
Mr von Spreckelsen confused matters further when he said: " If you can assure us the money is there, we will build the affordable housing.
Not quite what he wanted to hear, deBlasio wanted to know from Von Spreckelsen if he knew of "any specific fear that these subsidies may not be made available."
To this Von Spreckelson said no.
Josh Skaller, Council district 39 candidate expressed what many Gowanus and Carroll Gardens residents feel: " If you want to increase the density by the Gowanus
Canal, clean it up first." He questioned the safety of residences along its banks considering the toxic nature of the site. Turning towards Bill DeBlasio, he said:
" You must have found a way to feel OK with this. I would like to know how."
(See Bill De Blasio's response on You Tube Below)
No vote was taken after the lengthy meeting due to the lack of quorum. The matter has been tabled until Monday. It seems that Chairperson Avella's fellow Committee members did not deem it necessity to show the least consideration to the residents most affected by the project.
Which just reinforces their claim that their concerns are not being considered.
Tony Avella seemed to agree. (See the video below)
Bill De Blasio's response to Josh Skaller
And Just for the record: Toll Brothers on environmental clean-up
Related reading:
For Home Page, click Pardon Me For Asking
Also present was our own Councilman Bill DeBlasio who was on hand to re-iterate his position in favor of the development. Explaining that he had at first been dubious about the project, he changed his mind because "the project is one I felt comfortable with because its commitment to affordable housing was real."
He stated that he will "suggest that my colleagues support this project."
Dismissing the community's calls for a height limit of 8 stories as opposed to the 12 stories proposed by Toll, De Blasio felt that " there is going to be a certain amount of height to make it feasible. That is just the reality we are living with."
However, during the public comment session, Carroll Gardeners voiced their frustration with the process, with the lack of community involvement and with
the sense that the politicians seem to listen more to developers than to their constituents.
Councilman DeBlasio took offense at the suggestion. Raising his voice, DeBlasio
rebuked the allegation that politicians are serving developers. "You are being heard," he said, "but we disagree." Affordable housing was important to him, he said. So was diversity. "I cannot accept a neighborhood that is only one kind of people."
Chairman Avella had a different opinion and sided with community members. He said: " I do think real estate interests control the agenda."
Bill DeBlasio seemed to have missed the point. No one was testifying against affordable housing. On the contrary, the community wanted guarantees that Toll Brothers would not end up building their luxury condo complex without the affordable component.
Craig Hammerman, Community Board 6 manager, conveyed the concern of CB6
that the project lacked any guarantee for affordable housing in return for giving the applicant permission to build higher and with more bulk than would otherwise be acceptable to this community. The board had understood that there would be a deed restriction on the property for the affordable housing requirement.
However, no such resrtiction exists and no guarantees are given.
Architect John Hatheway gave a presentation of an alternative to the Toll project.
In his opinion, "it is shortsighted to approve this project just because it contains public housing." According to him, the development "can be designed in such a way that the affordable housing can be achieved at a lower height without loss to Toll's project."
Councilman DeBlasio turned directly to Toll Brothers' VP David Von Speckelsen, to clarify the commitment and relieve the concerns over the affordable housing.
Mr von Spreckelsen confused matters further when he said: " If you can assure us the money is there, we will build the affordable housing.
Not quite what he wanted to hear, deBlasio wanted to know from Von Spreckelsen if he knew of "any specific fear that these subsidies may not be made available."
To this Von Spreckelson said no.
Josh Skaller, Council district 39 candidate expressed what many Gowanus and Carroll Gardens residents feel: " If you want to increase the density by the Gowanus
Canal, clean it up first." He questioned the safety of residences along its banks considering the toxic nature of the site. Turning towards Bill DeBlasio, he said:
" You must have found a way to feel OK with this. I would like to know how."
(See Bill De Blasio's response on You Tube Below)
No vote was taken after the lengthy meeting due to the lack of quorum. The matter has been tabled until Monday. It seems that Chairperson Avella's fellow Committee members did not deem it necessity to show the least consideration to the residents most affected by the project.
Which just reinforces their claim that their concerns are not being considered.
Tony Avella seemed to agree. (See the video below)
Bill De Blasio's response to Josh Skaller
And Just for the record: Toll Brothers on environmental clean-up
Related reading:
Gowanus Area Resident Speaks Out Against Toll Brothers' Project
For Home Page, click Pardon Me For Asking
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