Raw Sewage Floating On The Gowanus Canal

Official Fema Map Showing Gowanus Area Is Flood Zone

Gowanus Area Flooded after heavy rain
Official Fema Map Showing Gowanus Area Is Flood Zone
Gowanus Area Flooded after heavy rain
What Public Advocate Would Advocate For Development
On Highly Toxic Canal In Fema Flood Zone?
On Highly Toxic Canal In Fema Flood Zone?
Councilmember DeBlasio never ceases to amaze me. He consistently seems to be on the opposite side of the table from his constituents here in Carroll Gardens.
Today, in an article in the Daily News, he made it clear that he opposes the Superfund designation for the Gowanus Canal. Here are just a few quotes from the article.
"We, locally, have gotten our act together. The city's doing the right stuff. ... The Toll site will get cleaned up," de Blasio said, charging the feds would just "get in the way."
De Blasio conceded the city's plan is a "short-term" solution, but said funding for a comprehensive cleanup could be cobbled together from other sources and that the waterway is safe to live near.
"You don't want to drink out of it, you don't want to eat fish out of it, but it is not a danger to live near it," he said. (Daily News)
De Blasio has been an incredible disappointment for the last 7 1/2 years as our councilman. Personnaly, I can't wait till his term is over.
He has largely been absent during his two terms and totally absent for the last few months, while running his campaign.
But that is only my opinion. Whats yours?
How would you rate Bill DeBlasio's performance as our local councilman?
Related Reading:
Earth Day or His Community's Health ($$$) Means Nothing to Councilman Bill DeBlasio (Found In Brooklyn)
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