Saturday, April 25, 2009
Gather up your family and friends and head over to Thomas Greene Park on Third Avenue between Douglass and Degraw for skateboarding and other activities atthe Gowanus Grind, on Saturday, April 25 (raindate, April 26). There will be live music, art activities, a free skate board clinic sponsored by Homage, the skate board shop on Smith Street and recreation and food, donated by the Wyckoff Houses Tenants Association and Building on Bond. Activities, including live music will take place between 11 AM and 4 PM.
Something for everyone! If you are not a skate border - enjoy the food from "Building on Bond" - watch the amazing skate borders & the cute (little) kids learning to skateboard during the skateboard clinic - enjoy music of 4 bands!
For more information, about Friends of Douglass Greene Park, see the website: http://www.friendsofdouglassgreenepark.org/
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