I wish I could have been a fly on the wall at last night's Independent Neighborhood Democrats' vote to endorse John Heier as the club's candidate. Their endorsement of the most conservative contender in the race to replace Councilman Bill DeBlasio seems to be an indication that they are a bit out of touch, to say the least. Below are the statements released by candidates Josh Skaller and Bob Zuckerman after the IND vote.
Statement From City Council Candidate Josh Skaller Regarding IND Endorsement
"It is sad that a majority of IND's voting membership insulted many IND members and community residents by choosing to support a conservative Democrat for City Council who opposes Superfund relief for the Gowanus Canal and whose opinions on choice and marriage equality are confusing, at best. The residents of the Boerum Hill, Carroll Gardens and Gowanus communities want progressive leadership committed to reforming City government and unafraid of marriage equality, a woman's right to choose and a real, federally-supported clean-up of the Gowanus Canal. That is why organizers of a recent candidates' forum decided to endorse my campaign for City Council. I welcome grassroots support from all over the 39th Council District, but I will always prefer the support of community residents whose perspectives are free from the developer dollars and entrenched business interests."
Statement From City Council Candidate Bob Zuckerman Regarding IND Endorsement
“I am deeply troubled that the Independent Neighborhood Democrats decided to endorse a conservative candidate who is anti-choice and anti marriage equality. This club is in danger of becoming an irrelevant voice because of its endorsement process over the last few years. IND is made up of many wonderful and smart people who are committed to the progressive values it was founded on over thirty years ago. But the actions of some have continued to tarnish the progressive reputation of this club and it saddens me to think, as last night’s vote demonstrated, it’s no longer independent or reform.”
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