Councilman Brad Lander, Councilman Stephen Levin, Assemblywoman Joan Millman and State Senator Daniel Squadron are co-hosting a meeting on Thursday to address the Columbia Street Waterfront community's concerns regarding the giant Salt Pile stored on one of the piers.
Both the American Stevedoring Inc. (ASI) and Columbia Waterfront Neighborhood Association (CoWNA) will be on hand to answer questions.
Since last year, residents of Columbia Street have been asking officials to help develop a plan for the huge salt pile stored on the waterfront. They have argued that inhaling the road salt is a risk to their health and damages trees plants and vehicles.
During a particularly windy day in April 2009, Columbia Street was blanketed by a white layer of salt.
Efforts to keep the salt pile covered with giant tarps has not been entirely successful.
Salt Pile Meeting
Thursday, February 11th, 2010
at 6:00 pm
Postgraduate Center for Mental Health, Community Room
177 Columbia Street (at Degraw Street),
5th Floor
Thursday, February 11th, 2010
at 6:00 pm
Postgraduate Center for Mental Health, Community Room
177 Columbia Street (at Degraw Street),
5th Floor
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