Carol has left the following comment on the post "Dear Christmas Tree Vendor, Please Clean Up Your Mess, The Neighborhood":
I cannot believe the bickering over the Christmas tree lot. I no longer live in CG, but I grew up there. One thing my mother always told me not to do was litter. It doesn't matter if the trees smell good or if they provide a home for squirrels; the point is someone should be responsible for cleaning up the mess he/she made. Some people appear to be saying that if the mess doesn't smell bad or attract rodents, it's okay to leave it? Who, then, decides what the definition of garbage is? How many people would complain if people were allowed to dispose of their Christmas trees in front of their houses? Everyone! And all this "garbage" about yuppies and newbies. My Lord, people -- it's a free country, which means we can live where we want to live. Natives always gripe when new people move into the area. They don't like change, even if it's for the better. Terrible, terrible behavior from adults.
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