Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Park Slope Civic Council To Host Forum On The Future Of 4th Avenue":
Should be mentioned that the current head of Park Slope's Civic Council is a salesman with one of the area's commercial realtors. And sits on Community Board6's RE/land use committee..?
http://www.masseyknakal.com/people/KFreeman Until NYC provides clear leadership, it will be left for realtors/developers (who support local officials, elected and appointed) -- to do what they do, benefiting from zoning... in the short-term. And of course, the carousel of the game played by politicians -- that move their careers without ever having to answer for what goes on it their district, and spawn new politicians that try to own new versions of saying nothing, doing nothing, but wrapping it in a sincerity all their own. We've heard officials talk about street-scapes, boulevards and design in keeping with community needs, etc. etc. -- which serves to get heads nodding in meetings such as these.
And yet? we see a hodge-podge of whatever individual builders can get away with... and a line-up of officials ready to blame someone else, or something in the past. Local officials will 'finesse' any meetings they attend -- and say what should be done, and what 'they'll fight for' (over and over). They'll point fingers at Developers, which is like blaming a horse for where it takes your cart. The end is that the joke will always be on us, until we all demand better. Start by not even allowing any elected officials to even speak.
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