Proteus Gowanus, the wonderful gallery and reading room located in the Gowanus Canal area, is opening its door to all those freelancers in the community. Their Study Hall is a wonderful, reasonably priced alternative to your own apartment or nearest coffee shop. Check it out.
The New Year festivities have come and gone and now we must get back to work. If you can no longer bear the sight of your own apartment, if being alone is more conducive to steam-cleaning your knick-knacks than it is to finishing your dissertation, if your kids need you only when you're in front of the computer, perhaps it's time to come to Study Hall and put an end to the dissipations of solitude. Here you can work in a quiet community with other dedicated ruminators.Study Hall at Proteus Gowanus offers our various gallery and library spaces to readers and writers.In addition to numerous tables and chairs, we provide free WiFi and free coffee, and encourage the smuggling in of snacks and treats for the general benefit of all.The cost is $50 per month or $125 for three months. The hours are Monday through Friday, 10am - 5 pm. If you would like to join, please contact Proteus Gowanus at
Proteus Gowanus
543 Union Street, Brooklyn

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