picture credit: Uppastroller.com
After a one-year-old's expensive Uppa stroller base is stolen at 8 Am in front of the Carroll Gardens family's residence, her parent wants to know if this is really the neighborhood we want to live in.
Further, on the flier above, which was posted at the F train station at Carroll Street yesterday, the parent wonders what's wrong with people. Read on:
Uppa Baby Stroller BaseStolen!(on Union Street)Seriously... There are thousands of kids and families in the neighborhood who need to carry their strollers down their front stoops and then run back inside. Our stroller was stolen at 8 AM in the morning in the process of getting out the door.What is wrong with people? Is this really the Carroll Gardens neighborhood we all want to live in!? If you accidentally took it, are looking to pawn it, feel guilty and want to return it, please bring it back!!At the end of the day, you actually stole from a 1 year old little girl who loves to ride around the neighborhood and wave at people. Is this really who you want to be in life?Bring it back. If you see one for sale on BoCoCa or Craigslist, please let us know. We are a community and need to stick together.
I am a bit confused about why someone would just want to take the base of a stroller, but as much as we think we live in a small, safe community, stuff happens here as well as anywhere else in the city. What do you think the chances are of getting it returned?
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