Reader Kerrie, who used to live n Carroll Gardens, but is now a resident of Gowanus, pointed out that there will be a clean-up at Ennis Park this Saturday.
She writes:
I hope you will post about the Gowanus Canal Conservancy Ennis Park/Playground Cleanup going on this Saturday. Ennis Park is a great little under used park in the Gowanus (11th st and 2nd avenue, right behind Lowe's) and is located a very short walk from the south end of Carroll Gardens. It's super shady and never crowded like Carroll Park.Thanks, Kerrie
Ennis Park and Street Tree Stewardship, Block Party
Saturday, May 26, 11 AM
To participate in a Clean & Green volunteer day, please contact the Conservancy at: volunteer@gowanuscanalconservancy.org to RSVP.
More on the event from the Conservancy's web page here:
The day will begin at 11 am at Ennis Park and focus on litter removal, tree maintenance and pruning, planting, among other activities. After 1 pm, we will barbeque and offer fun, games, and crafts for kids. This also represents an opportunity for community members to come and meet each other and discuss neighborhood issues. We will end the day at around 5 pm. Pathmark and Whole Foods will supply food for the barbeque!
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