Thursday, November 15, 2007

(photo credit: sophiestansfield 1982)

Thank you to McBrookyn for sending this to me. I already put the date on my calendar. I love this kind of Holiday fair. It almost makes me forget that yet again, I am missing all the awesome Christmas fairs back in Germany. One year, friends, I will get back there to partake in the " Glühwein" ( hot spiced wine)

Biggest Holiday Craft Fair Ever at Brooklyn Friends School, Downtown Brooklyn

Save the date: Brooklyn Friends School's 28th Annual Holiday Craft Fair is taking place Saturday, December 1st, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 375 Pearl Street, Downtown Brooklyn near the Marriott.
Don't miss Brooklyn's premier holiday shopping opportunity, featuring hand-crafted items such as ceramics, sweaters, scarves and other wearables, musical instruments, jewelry, and one-of-a-kind items. This is shaping up to be the school's biggest and best Craft Fair to date, with more than 40 vendors.
Bring the kids – childcare will be provided, along with fun activities like a Moon Walk, Obstacle Course, face painting, carnival games and performance.
For more information, call 718-852-1029, or visit:

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