Tuesday, November 27, 2007

(photo credit:Zachk on Flickr)

Finally a bit of good news! From The N.Y. Sun, a report that at last, the City Council is stepping up to protect the interest of all New Yorkers! The creation of an Infrastructure Task Force headed by Council Members Daniel Garodnick and Letitia James is good news indeed. Read on.

New York Sun
November 26, 2007 Edition

Council's Role in Private Development To Expand
BY BENJAMIN SARLIN - Special to the Sun
November 26, 2007

The City Council is seeking to expand its role in private development
with a new task force to assess new projects' impacts on city

The infrastructure task force, headed by Council Members Daniel
Garodnick and Letitia James, would report to the council on the
projected effects, in areas such as traffic, telecommunications, and
energy, of large-scale plans conducted by private developers, as well as
the state and federal government. The task force could examine the
redevelopment of ground zero, the Atlantic Yards project, the Second
Avenue subway line, and the future development of the West Side rail
yards. "There is no entity today that considers the impact on city
infrastructure, " Mr. Garodnick said in a phone interview. "We want to
take a long view and see that our infrastructure
keeps pace with our development plan."

For the full article link to
URL: http://www.nysun. com/article/ 66973


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