Do you remember, dear Reader, a few days ago I wrote about those undeveloped "slivers" of Carroll Gardens that one finds sometimes between houses? I jokingly suggested that they would make perfect personal lap pools or archery ranges...
A reader left the following comment:
Someone is in process of adding another story to one of these...and they claimed that current bldg code forced them to build out to side lot boundary on the new upper level even though 1st 2 floors still have the alley.
I actually thought that I hadn't quite understood, so I asked for clarification. Would someone really build an extension over an alley? And here was the reader's further response:
Right! Top floor extends over alley.
Why code insists I don't know - but that is what they claimed.
This is on Baltic between Smith and Hoyt.
Construction is happening now.
Was unique house - not like other row houses in area. No stoop - just 1 step up.

This house is unique, all right. Now I know that the Buildings Department is pretty dysfunctional, but I wonder if they would force a homeowner to do such a bizarre thing. What do you think?
[where: Baltic Street]
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