and L.I.C.H. Dr. Jeffrey Viera
Rally To Save Long Island College Hospital
At a rally yesterday, our local officials gathered at a rally and press conference to warn Continuum that cutting services or worse, closing the hospital, are not options. Borough President Marty Markowitz had strong words for Continuum when he spoke in front of the doctors, nurses and neighborhood residents. He accused Continuum of turning its back on Brownstone Brooklyn and of bleeding the hospital. He urged the management company to "open the books and to show us the money, or the lack thereof."
Markowitz reassured everyone present that he has reached out to N.Y.State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo who " is all over the issue" and has launched a complete investigation.
Congresswoman Nydia Velásquez, Assemblywoman Joan Millman, Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries and Councilmen Bill De Blasio all reiterated their commitment to saving the hospital so it can "serve the neighborhood for another 150 years." They demanded financial clarity and answers from Continuum. Bill DeBlasio stated that Continuum has been selling off some choice hospital real estate, but instead of reinvesting the money into L.I.C.H., the profits were taken out of our borough to be used in Continuum's Manhattan hospitals.
A big question mark also surrounds the roughly $140 million grant that was left to LICH by the estate of Donald and Mildred Otmer. Continuum has yet to account for that money.
Dr. Toomas Sorra, a gastroenterologist and spokesperson for LICH's doctors was last to speak, but probably illustrated the problem between Continuum and L.I.C.H. best when he mentioned that of the roughly 120 board meetings held by Continuum over the last 10 years, only three were scheduled here in Brooklyn. Board members had to take taxis because they had no idea where L.I.C.H. actually was.
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