The Real Estate And Industrial Future Of Brooklyn

New York Times December 10, 1916
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The Real Estate And Industrial Future Of Brooklyn
So, replacing all of our industrial areas with high-rise developments isn't a good idea?
No kidding....What seemed to have been common sense back in 1916 has escaped our elected officials today.
Maybe the members of Community Board 6's Landmark/ Land Use Committee should take a minute to read the article above which appeared in the New York Times back in 1916.
Tonight, the members of the committee will vote on whether to spot re-zone the Toll Brothers' site from industrial to residential in advance of a larger rezoning for the shores of the Gowanus Canal.
I hope as many Carroll Gardeners as possible will attend the meeting.
Related reading:
Not So Fast, Toll Brothers!
New York Times December 10, 1916
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The Real Estate And Industrial Future Of Brooklyn
New York Times December 1916The future of Brooklyn real estate is bright because the industrial future of Brooklyn is bright. In the long run, real estate values are determined by basic conditions, and those who deal in real estate often forget the fact that the foundation of all community growth is industry....
The real dependence of cities upon industry is too often not recognized. An industry which gives employment to 100 men distributes each week the contents of a hundred pay envelopes, and this money supports the small shopkeepers, the restaurants, theatres,and even professional men like doctors and dentists.
So, replacing all of our industrial areas with high-rise developments isn't a good idea?
No kidding....What seemed to have been common sense back in 1916 has escaped our elected officials today.
Maybe the members of Community Board 6's Landmark/ Land Use Committee should take a minute to read the article above which appeared in the New York Times back in 1916.
Tonight, the members of the committee will vote on whether to spot re-zone the Toll Brothers' site from industrial to residential in advance of a larger rezoning for the shores of the Gowanus Canal.
I hope as many Carroll Gardeners as possible will attend the meeting.
The meeting will be held in the PS 32 Auditorium
317 Hoyt Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
At 6 PM
317 Hoyt Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
At 6 PM
Related reading:
CB6 Public Hearing On Toll Brothers Development
Toll Brothers Spent $365,000 On Lobbying For Gowanus RezoningNot So Fast, Toll Brothers!
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