The once stately brownstone at 45 3rd Place, otherwise known as the "Hunchback Of Carroll Gardens' has been languishing in real estate limbo for many months. Due to the impossibly goofy addition to the back, the building was much discussed and ridiculed.
After a very long delay, the two duplexes in the buidlding were put on the market in 2007 by Brown Harris and Stevens. The lower unit was priced at
$ 1,535,000, the upper one for $1,495,000. If the owner/developer had hoped for a quick flip, he must have been surprised that there were no takers. After all, it was the height of the real estate market here in Carroll Gardens.
It quickly became obvious that buyers were not impressed by, most probably due to some very visible flaws as I discovered at one of the open houses.
So the duplexes sat and sat, through the fall, then the spring. Then in May, realtor
Phillis Norton-Towers tried a new marketing approach. She offered the entire house for $2,995,000. Still no takers.
These days, the house is being offered by Cobble Heights Realty. It remains to be seen if this agency will have better luck finding a buyer. For the moment, the house is still offered at $2,995,000. Considering the fact that this place has seen no action for more than a year and that the market has cooled off considerably, is that really realistic?
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