Well, fellow Carroll Gardeners, maybe we should all attend this talk. What do you say?
Monday Morning Coffee Talk,
with Dirk McCall
Monday, January 12, 2009 8:30-10:00 am
Neighborhood Preservation Center 232 East 11th Street New York, NY 10003Your local politician is one of your most important partners in any community development issue. Come to this meeting and learn how to better foster a productive relationship with your elected official. While earlier Coffee Talks helped establish hot topics and priorities for the upcoming political season, this event will guide attendees on how to best work with elected representatives. Dirk McCall, Executive Director of the Greenwich Village Chelsea Chamber of Commerce, former community board liaison to Manhattan Borough President C. Virginia Fields and former chief of staff to Councilmember Alan Gerson (District 1), will address the process of working with local elected officials to garner support for community-driven campaigns.The combination of his past experience and his role at the Chamber of Commerce provide him with the ideal expertise to advise neighborhood advocates on how to facilitate meaningful and effective partnerships with elected representatives. This event is FREE to the public. Reservations are required as space is limited. For more information, please contact Lauren Belfer at (212) 614-9107 or lbelfer@hdc.org. The Historic Districts Council’s Neighborhood Partners Program is sponsored in part by Deutsche Bank, The New York Community Trust, Lily Auchincloss Foundation, Assembly Members Deborah J. Glick & Richard N. Gottfried, and State Senators Thomas K. Duane, Liz Krueger, Andrew J. Lanza & Diane J. Savino.
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