The hunchback of Carroll Gardens at 45 3rd Place, that poster child for what-not-to-do with a brownstone, has finally gotten a price adjustment. That is not surprising. What is more astonishing is that it has taken such a long time. After all, this re-muddle, known all over the neighborhood for its rather offensive addition, has been on the market for a good long time.
The building has been marketed in a few different ways over the years.
The property was once for sale as two duplexes. Then, the entire building was put on the market as a two family. At the end, the duplexes were available as rentals.
Presently, the lower duplex appears to be occupied.
The building has been marketed in a few different ways over the years.
The property was once for sale as two duplexes. Then, the entire building was put on the market as a two family. At the end, the duplexes were available as rentals.
Presently, the lower duplex appears to be occupied.
Upper Duplex was $ 1,495,000. It is now $ 1,295,000 through Cobble Heights Realty
The entire house was $ 2,995,000. Now it can be yours for $2,590,000 also through Cobble Heights Realty
And if you just want to rent the upper duplex, you can lease it at a " year-end reduced fee" of $4,750
The entire house was $ 2,995,000. Now it can be yours for $2,590,000 also through Cobble Heights Realty
And if you just want to rent the upper duplex, you can lease it at a " year-end reduced fee" of $4,750
Related Reading:
Carroll Gardens Hunchback Still Languishing On Market
Old Miraculously Becomes "New" Listing At 45 3rd Place Listing
What's Luxurious About 45 3rd Place?
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