The physicians and staff of Long Island College Hospital are on a mission to reverse the damage done to the hospital by Continuum Health Partners, the hospital's parent company.
As the hospital is working to sort out its conflict with Continuum, it found an ally in the NYS Department of Health which has approved a $3 million loan to L.I.C.H.
Dr. Tucker Woods, L.I.C.H's Chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine and Doris Palazzo, an E.R. Administrator, attended Monday night's meeting of the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association. Both Dr. Woods and Ms. Palazzo want Brooklynites to know that L.I.C.H. is still very much alive, is still operating as a full service hospital and is fully staffed with attending physicians.
In addition, they explained that the hospital has implemented an electronic medical record system. The emergency room has been able to cut down on the average waiting time. After triage, most patients are seen by an attending physician in about 30 minutes.
A separate area for less severe injuries has also been established. Also, L.I.C.H. has a Pediatric Emergency Center so that children do not have to wait in the regular emergency room.
Most impressively, L.I.C.H. has a cutting edge hypothermia center to treat heart attack victims. It is the first in Brooklyn. Employing a "cooling" technique, doctors can minimize the loss of brain function, which can occur during an attack.
Yes, the hospital still has financial woes, but according to Dr. Woods, "very few have no financial problems." He called L.I.C.H. " Brooklyn's best kept secret."
To learn more and to watch a video on L.I.C.H.'s hypothermia center, click here.
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