Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Center For Urban Pedagogy (CUP), a non-profit organization "that uses design and art to improve public participation in shaping the places we live in" is holding its annual benefit tonight at The Green Building, 452 Union Street.
Read on:
CUP Board and Staff invite you to join artists, designers, community advocates and other urban enthusiasts for an evening of conversation and cocktails!
Thursday, October 13th
Benefactors' Cocktail Reception: 6 - 7:30 pm
Cocktails and delicious BaoHaus treats with CUP's Board of Directors, plus an extra-special CUP gift
Party: 7:30 - 10 pm
Cocktails, conversation, and quality time with CUP's latest projects
The Green Building
452 Union Street, Brooklyn
Get your tickets here
All proceeds will go to the Center for Urban Pedagogy, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. If you cannot attend, please consider contributing to this worthwhile group here.


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